Irena Lagator Pejović



An Aesthetic Approach to Ethical Responsibility, Book Presentation at Depot, Vienna, 2024.


Dispositions, CA2RE / Community for Artistic and Architectural Research, Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Serbia, chaired by: Andjelka Bnin Bninski, Ana Nikezić; talk moderated by: Marija Milinković, 2024.


Responsibility and Response-Ability: On the Art of Sharing Research and Reshaping the Future, Department of Visual Culture & Artistic Research, Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw, in collaboration with Dr Karolina Majewska-Güde, 2021

Art Space Connect conference program 06/07 November 2020

Teritorija kulture: Kako skrenuti sa puta i naći se na pravom mjestu? / Cultural Territory: How to Turn From the Road and Find Yourself in the Right Place

Irena Lagator Pejovic: Un-Limited Responsibility - Artist Talk, Kepler salon, Linz, part of the ,,Global or Alter-Globalist? Contemporary Art Histories from Central and Eastern Europe" symposium, KU Linz. Curated by Karolina Mejwska Guede. 2020.

The Big Shift: the 1990s. Avant-gardes in Eastern Europe and Their Legacy, Museum of Modern Art + Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, MG+MSUM, Ljubljana, 2019

Constructing Utopia / Eastern European Avant-Gardes and Their Legacy, Museum of Modern Art + Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, MG+MSUM, Ljubljana, 2018

A Natural Oasis? A Transnational Research Program, Summer School. Institute of Contemporary Art Cetinje (ngo) Montenegro, Art Museum of Montenegro, Montenegrin Gallery of Arts Miodrag Dado Đurić, 2016

BONE_bucky's classroom, Performance Festival, Universität Bern, MA Contemporary Arts Practice und MA Scenic Art Practice, Bern, Switzerland, 2013

Teartro Rossi Aperto, Pisa, Italy, 2012

Artist as Audience/Umetnik kao publika, Salon of Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade, Serbia, 2012